E-commerce growth in Germany 2010-2020

In 2020 the online consumer’s trade of goods and services (B2C) in Germany continued its growth evolution. The adoption of restrictions on freedom of movement, due to the provisions adopted by the German administrations, in order to contain the escalating of infections linked to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), have stimulated the demand for goods and services online.
Growth in the percentage of the population who bought online goods and services in Germany (2010-2020)
The 83% of the german population buy online services and goods, has been recorded a growth of + 5.6% compared to 2019.
In the 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, ecommerce has recorded a growth rate of + 2.99%.
Growth in the percentage of the population who made more than 10 online purchases in Germany (2010-2020)
If we analyze the percentage of Germans who made more than 10 purchases in 2020, a percentage change compared to 2019 of + 36.39% emerges, with a growth rate from 2015 to 2020 of + 11.05%.