Italian digital inclusion by age group, in 2020
Information technologies are constantly evolving, providing new features and new platforms that improve the citizens lives. The digital divide prevents equal participation and reduces the opportunities for citizens who are excluded from it.
Digital inclusion is a principle of equity, which all developed European nations consider as a target for assessing the quality of life of citizens. A fundamental principle because it contributes to civic and cultural participation, growth in employment and the access to essential services.
This report, scripted from the Eurostat data source, analyzes the level of digital inclusion of Italian citizens divided by age groups and also by education level.
The spread across the use and access to communication and information technologies (ICT) and the development of digitization projects by the Italian population is an indicator of fundamental importance in the process of enhancing social and cultural inclusion for Italy.

Percentage of people grouped by age who in 2020 have never made any access to the internet
Compared to 2019, the situation has slowly improved for all age groups, people over 75 still remain in the bottom of the queue, with 79% (in 2019 it was 82%) who do not have access to digital services. There is a constant gap compared to the percentage of 21% (in 2019 it was 25%) of the population over 75s in the EU of 27 countries. The 16 – 19 age group with 2% (in 2019 it was 3%) remains the one with the lowest percentage of people who do not access the internet and ICT services.
Percentage of people grouped by age who access the internet at least once a week in 2020
In Italy, the youth population has the highest percentage of computerization. With 93% of young people between 20 and 24 years old (in 2019 it was 91%) and 92% of young people between 16 and 19 years old (in 2019 it was 91%). This percentage decreases progressively with increasing age up to 12% (in 2019 it was 11%) of the over 75s.
Breakdown of Italian citizens grouped by age who in 2020 accessed the internet at least once a week
Percentage of people broken down by education level who access the internet at least once a week in 2020
This bar graph over the subdivision of the population into three groups of people by level of education:
- High level education
- Medium level education
- No education