United Kingdom e-commerce growth 2010-2020
UK is the third largest market in the world for online shopping and the first in Europe.
The strict restrictions linked to Covid-19 decided by the Government, also committed to the process of exiting the European Union, which saw its definitive application at the end of 2020, have pushed up the growth of e-commerce and online retail.

Population growth rates, who bought goods and services online in Great Britain (2010-2020)
Online shopping has become a daily occurrence for millions of UK consumers. As can be seen from the first bar graph that represents the growth in the percentage of the population that bought goods and services online in UK since 2010 to 2020. As many as 90% of the UK population made purchases online, a growth of +3.45% compared to 2019.
During 10 years (from 2010 to 2020), e-commerce recorded a growth rate of + 2.75%.
Growth in the percentage of the population who made more than 10 online purchases in Great Britain (2010-2020)
UK shoppers are well used to buying goods and services online. As described by the second bar graph which represents the percentage of consumers who have made more than 10 purchases. In 2020, this percentage remained stable at 29%, so there was no growth compared to 2019.
Analyzing the period from 2015 to 2020, the growth is + 4.71%.